Negative & Slide Scanning

As digital photography has quickly forced film cameras into obsolescence, you may be wondering how to preserve and use your old 35mm negatives and slides. The answer is to scan them! With my professional 35mm scanning services I can convert these negative and slides into to digital images.

Once the negatives or slides have been digitized, the possibilities are endless. The can be emailed, printed, put on the web, archived for generations to come...anything you can do with pictures from your modern digital camera.

I use a professional quality Nikon film scanner. Each scan is saved as a JPEG or TIFF file at a high resolution of 4000dpi, which provides enough information to print up to an 11x17 image without quality loss. I also offer additional processing for dust removal and color correction. Once the scanning is complete, you can receive them on DVD as image files, or I can transfer them to your own external hard drive or flash drive. I can also create a professional quality slideshow DVD with music for viewing on your TV.

The condition of each slide/negative plays a big role in the quality of the scanned image. Dirty, faded or scratched film will be picked up by the scanner. My additional image processing services can correct most problems. Some major color or image corrections may require additional retouching services.

Prices for scanning 35mm negatives or slides
There is a minimum charge for all orders under 25 images

no additional cleanup
Standard: dust & scratches removed or color correction
Premium: dust & scratches removed and color correction

Number of Scans Basic Standard Premium
1-25 scans $25 $30 $35
26-99 scans $1.00 each $1.10 each $1.20 each
100-249 scans $0.90 each $1.00 each $1.10 each
250-499 scans $0.80 each $0.90 each $1.00 each
500-749 scans $0.70 each $0.80 each $0.90 each
750-999 $0.60 each $0.70 each $0.80 each
1000+ $0.50 each $0.60 each $0.70 each

Additional fees may apply.

Slide scanning collor correction before and after

Example of levels of correction available

Selection of scan with no corrections performed Slide scan original
  Basic :: No corrections

Same scan processed to remove dust and scratches Slide scan dust and scratch removal only
  Standard :: Dust & Scratch Removal

Same scan processed to remove dust and scratches plus additional color correction. Slide scan dust and scretch removal plus collor correction
  Premium :: Dust & Scratch Removal and Color Correction
Nikon Negative and Slide Scanner
See Discounts
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